Needed for the spell: paper, pen, banishing oil, black candle
There are two possible approaches to a spell like this, and which one you pick depends on the phase of the moon. During the waxing phase, you should work magick that will help you take action. During the waning phase you should work magick to stop procrastination. There's a difference between the two. One makes something increase, the other makes something decrease. Since the moon is waning, I used a black candle for removal and ending. If it were waxing or full I'd pick red or maybe orange, and use a symbol for action.
On the paper, I created a symbol of my procrastination problem. Such a symbol is personal and you need to design your own. Then I picked up the black candle and dressed (i.e., anointed or coated) it with banishing oil.
While doing this I charged the candle by visualizing my procrastination symbol being destroyed in a variety of ways, and the freedom I will feel when the problem is gone. Finally I placed the paper into my cauldron and put the candle on top. I lit it and let it burn down. You could also just put the paper under a regular candle holder, or even just burn it.
*Banishing Oil Recipe
Use 6 drops each of pepper, rue or rosemary, and clove essential oils. Add this to a half ounce of base oil (whatever you have on hand is fine - I use olive, grapeseed or jojoba). Be careful because many essential oils are volatile and can irritate the skin.
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