Daily Magick

living the magickal life

Stop Calling Me Spell

Some years ago I went through a period of financial difficulty. I've made my share of mistakes and I do take responsibility for them... just like debt collectors need to take responsibility for their errors. Including the severe error in judgment they are making in continuing to (illegally) harass a witch by phone. Every day I get multiple calls on old debts that have long been erased by bankruptcy. This is a violation of the law but more importantly in the context of this blog, it really pisses me off.

What to do, what to do... I love me a good magickal experiment. This time I'm going for runes. When I've worked with runes in the past, I have typically created a bindrune. This is a method of combining runes to make one symbol for your intention. This is something of an individual process. There is more than one way to approach it. What I like to do is keep it simple. I choose two or three runes to represent the energy I want to express, and combine them artistically until I get a symbol I can live with.

Having created this symbol or sigil, it needs to be charged. The number of ways this can be done is fascinating. To see what I mean, have a look at this thread. These methods are an interesting contrast to the typical witch practice of focusing on the intent. In fact, they promote the exact opposite - focusing on the symbol while avoiding the meaning. Since this is an experiment and not an urgent matter, I'm going to try this alternative charging method. Also since it's not an urgent matter, it's quite likely I will forget what the symbol's purpose is. So I will simply place the drawing in places I'm likely to see it often. I'll put one near the TV, one in my car, maybe even one as my desktop wallpaper. I can even doodle it during boring staff meetings.

Since I get an average of three hang-ups a day (I screen my calls so when the get the machine they hang up), it will be easy to tell if/when this magick works.


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