Daily Magick

living the magickal life

A Continuous Candle Peace Ritual

I found this spell in Cassandra Eason's Complete Book of Spells and today seems like a good day to pass it on. The interesting thing about this spell is that my posting about it here is actually part of the spell itself.

It's a very simple practice: Take a white candle and dedicate it to peace, whether for a specific cause or the world in general. I am using a tall devotional candle I bought at a Catholic supplies shop. Light it, and say, There is not enough darkness in the world to put out the light of one candle. Then pass on the spell to someone else. (For example, you could hit the "Stumble It!" link at the bottom of this post... Just a suggestion...)

Although the idea is that the other person lights their candle before yours burns down, I think the bigger idea is to get more people thinking about peace and working toward it, in whatever way they can. Never watch the news and question that you have the power to affect what is happening on the other side of the world. As witches, we have not only the power, but the responsibility to put magickal and mundane efforts toward harmony.


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