Daily Magick

living the magickal life

Parsley Menstrual Tea

Like so many women, I have an irregular menstrual cycle. I won't go into the reasons here. I can tell you that it frustrates me to no end hearing women refer to their periods as a "curse," an inconvenience. While I realize how terrible cramps can be and how irritating it is when your period comes on unexpectedly, I think most women don't value this important part of femininity. That is, until it's gone. I'm waaaay too young for menopause, but I still have persistent amenorrhea (lack of any periods for months at a time).

So today I'm going to try a little herbal medicine and magick. I've read lately that a very simple and common herb is considered an emmenagogue (substance that brings on the menses). Apparently, consuming a tea made from parsley is known to be effective. They say you can also just stick some right up the hoo-hah, but I like to wait until I know an herb better before we get that intimate. So today I'm going to get some fresh parsley and charge it at my altar. I know these things can sometimes work better if you communicate with the plant's spirit first. I'll make into some tea, add honey, and we'll see if it convinces my uterus that I am in fact still of reproductive age.


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